Third Coast Progressive

My views on the world.

Friday, June 02, 2006


It's Friday and I'm glad I can sleep late tomorrow. I've been so tired lately. Could be that I've been so busy, with going to Pensacola for Memorial day, and all my birthday stuff. My co-workers, who I've only known for 6 weeks, had a pizza party for me and a few of the other early June birthdays. We also had cake.
Well, it's hurricane season now and I'm kinda worried about what's to come. Last year was bad enough, but if something enters the gulf this year, I think people will panic. No one wants to go thru another Katrina or Rita, even here in Baton Rouge.
I certainly don't want another disaster in my state, but there is a certain thrill when a hurricane hits close by. Everyone huddles in their houses around the TV, til the electricity goes out, then it's the radio that gets the most attention. The skies slowly turn grey and the wind picks up. Rain starts to come down in sheets and before you know it, the trees are bending with the wind. After the storm, everyone begins to emerge from their houses to see what damage occurred.
It's certainly inspires meeting your neighbors!


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