Third Coast Progressive

My views on the world.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Here again.

I know I know, I don't post enough any more. It's tough to remember to post on this blog. and I don't have all that much time to do it. Or at the very least I work on a computer all day and don't want to be on one at home.
Not a whole lot to talk about right now. The election is on for president and it looks like the democrats will finally win one, if nothing goes wrong. I was a Hillary supporter, but will vote for Obama in the fall. I just can't see another 4 years of Bush-like administration. It would kill our country.
I do have a problem with many obama supporters though. They are so rude. They remind me of Bush supporters. When you tell them you are a Clinton supporter they say the meanest nastiest things. It almost made me want to vote for McCain, but then I realized it was Obama supporters, not Obama who were so stupid. I can't hold their ridiculous actions against him.
Mom and granny are doing OK. Granny fell in her bathroom though and hit her face. She has a black eye. Her memory is getting worse and worse. I sure don't want her to suffer in a nursing home.
I went to Pensacola Beach again this year for memorial day. It was fun. susie and I went and stayed at the Paradise Inn. The room was kinda dank and humid, smelly. Looked clean, but was behind the pool pump room and had a few bugs. But the weather was great.
Now susie asked me to go with her to Washington dc for the 4th of July. I've been before and it will be fun. Her mom lives there so we'll stay with her.
Then in October, I'm going, alone, back to NYC. I have a Madonna ticket for Madison square garden. They are floor seats, section 5 row E seat 4. I'm very excited. I will stay at the Hotel 17, where Madonna once lived. It's downtown in the flatiron district. It's near Chelsea and the village so I hope to party.


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